
 Meet Us


Our Mission

* to increase awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer through education & by sponsoring local events

*to provide support services for women with ovarian cancer in Greater Newburyport & towns & cities in the Merrimack Valley

* to improve women’s lives by increasing recovery & survival rates

* to help fund ovarian cancer research

GNOCA’s Calm Quilt - Celebration And Loving Memory Quilt Project - Celebrates Survivors & those Lost to Ovarian Cancer

GNOCA’s Calm Quilt - Celebration And Loving Memory Quilt Project - Celebrates Survivors & those Lost to Ovarian Cancer



"Our hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible & discovering the miracle of joyful living from one's own life circumstances."

…from Animal-Speak by Ted Anderson

ABOUT US … We are an all volunteer group. Some of us are in treatment, some of us are survivors, some of us have family & friends who have or have had ovarian cancer. All of us want to make a difference in the lives of women living with ovarian cancer.

GNOCA volunteers host a number of events to raise awareness & raise funds for our non-profit partner, Ovations for the Cure to help fund both cancer research & patient services for women with ovarian cancer in our communities.

September is National Ovarian Cancer Month.

Please join us. New volunteers are always welcome!
